Patient information
Dear patient,
This website gives you the opportunity to find out about the important aspects (development, occurrence, symptoms and treatment) of a disease called endometriosis.
This website is designed to help you better understand the clinical picture of endometriosis, because the earlier and more accurately endometriosis is diagnosed, the better the treatment options.
Your first question is certainly:
Endometriosis – what is it?
In order to understand this properly, it is important for you to know about the structure of your body, its hormonal control and your monthly menstrual cycle.
For this reason, these topics are presented first.
However, this website is no substitute for a detailed consultation with your doctor. It should be an opportunity for you to inform yourself in peace and quiet at home – also with your partner – so that you can address the individual questions that arise during your next visit to the doctor.
If you are unclear about some of the terms used on this website or that you have heard in connection with the clinical picture of endometriosis, please take a look at our small lexicon “Terms relating to endometriosis”.