Technical terms

Terms relating to endometriosis, pain, the desire to have children and pregnancy

Abdomen – abdomen, abdominal region
Ablative – removing
Abortus imminens – threatened miscarriage
Abrasio uteri – scraping of the uterine cavity
ACTHadrenocorticotropic hormone, is formed in the pituitary gland and stimulates the production of adrenocortical hormones
Add-back therapy – Supplementary hormone administration to mitigate side effects
Adenomyosis – growths of the mucosal glands in the uterine muscles
Adhesions – adhesions and/or scar tissue in the abdominal cavity
Obesity – overweight, obesity
Adnexa – “appendages” of the uterus, ovary and fallopian tubes
Adrenaline – messenger substance that is mainly produced in the adrenal cortex, important in the body’s stress response for fight and flight reactions
Amenorrhea – menstrual bleeding that stops for more than 3 months
Analgesia – no pain, freedom from pain e.g. through medication or acupuncture
Analogs – hormones with a similar effect
Anastomosis – connection between two anatomical structures
Anatomy – the study of the structure of the body
Androgens – male sex hormones that are a precursor of oestrogens in women and are produced in the ovaries, adrenal cortex, fatty tissue, etc.
Anovulation – absence of ovulation (ovulation)
Antagonists – opponents. Drugs can have an antagonistic effect by blocking the receptor for this hormone, but without triggering a hormone effect
Antibodies– protein molecules of the immune system that recognize foreign substances and render them harmless
Antineoplastic – acts against cancer
Appendix – appendix, image intestine
Aspermia – no sperm cells in the ejaculate
Asthenozoospermia – too little motility of the sperm cells
Etiology – the study of the causes of a disease, history of origin
Atrophy – tissue loss due to various causes
Autoantibodies – immune defense proteins directed against the body’s own tissue
Autoimmune disease – Disease in which antibodies are directed against the body’s own tissue.
Azoospermia – absence of sperm cells in the ejaculate

Biopsy – obtaining tissue samples from a living individual

Caudal – towards the coccyx
Cavum – Cave
Cervix – neck of the womb
Cervical mucus – mucus that appears in the cervix and provides important information about fertility. The mucus changes during the menstrual cycle.
Chromoperurbation – patency test of the fallopian tubes using a dye
Chlamydia – pathogens that cause inflammation in the fallopian tubes and seminal ducts
Chorionic gonadotropin – pregnancy hormone used in IVF treatment to trigger ovulation
Chorionic villus sampling – examination of the amniotic membrane of the embryo to investigate hereditary diseases
Chromosomes – carriers of genetic material
Circulus vitiosus – vicious circle, interactions reinforce each other
Clomiphene – medication used to induce ovulation.
Ulcerative colitis – chronic inflammation of the colon, causing diarrhea, intestinal bleeding and colic.
Corpus luteum – corpus luteum, which develops from the follicle after ovulation and appears yellow, it produces -> progesterone and -> oestrogens

Bowel resection – Surgical removal of a section of the perineum
DHEAS – dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, a hormone from the adrenal cortex that is a precursor for female and male hormones
Dietetics – nutritional science, measures to promote health and healing through nutrition
Diarrhea – diarrhea.
Dilatation – expansion, widening
Dopamine – messenger substance of the nervous tissue, is considered a happiness hormone, regulates blood flow to internal organs and the release of ->prolactin from the pituitary gland
Douglas space – space between the rectum and uterus, deepest point of the abdominal cavity
Downregulation – in IVF treatment, the natural control processes of the pituitary gland are suppressed by medication (->GnRH analogs)
Dysmenorrhea – painful menstruation
Dyspareunia – painful sexual intercourse

Ejaculate – fluid that is excreted during ejaculation
Ectopic pregnancy – pregnancy that develops outside the uterus (-> extrauterine pregnancy), most frequently occurs in the fallopian tube -> tubal pregnancy, but can also occur in the abdominal cavity, ovaries or peritoneum
Embryo transfer (ET) – return of the embryo created in the test tube to the uterus
Endometriosis – benign growth of the uterine lining outside the uterus
Endometrium – lining of the uterus
Endoscopy – looking into cavities in the body with the help of optical instruments
Enzymes – proteins that can accelerate reactions in the body
Extrauterine pregnancy – pregnancy outside the uterus
Eugenic – promoting good hereditary traits

Fertilization – Fertilization
Fertility – Fertility
Fibrosis – abnormal proliferation of connective tissue
Fimbriae – fringes at the beginning of the fallopian tube for the egg’s catching mechanism
Fetus – unborn child from the 12th week of pregnancy
Follicle – Egg follicle in which the egg matures. At the beginning of the cycle there are several until a dominant follicle forms, which can be seen on ultrasound.
Follicular puncture – puncture of an ovarian follicle and aspiration of the contained egg cell, as carried out during -> IVF
FSH – Follicle-stimulating hormone, produced in the anterior part of the pituitary gland. It promotes the maturation of the -> follicle and the production of oestrogen

GABA – gamma,amino-butyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. GABA also acts as an inhibitor of hormone secretion (e.g. B. from -> Glucagon in the pancreas)
Gametes – germ cells, sperm and egg cells
Corpus luteum cyst – small luteal cavity on the ovary
Gene – hereditary factor, inherited predispositions, information with blueprints for the production of -> proteins that a living being can pass on to subsequent generations
Genetics – the science of heredity, deals with the mode of action and structure of hereditary traits
Genitals – genitals
Progestogen – synthetically produced progesterone
GIFT – Gamete intrafallopian transfer,
Glucagon – protein hormone with the main task of increasing blood sugar levels
Glucose tolerance test – detection of impaired glucose utilization
GnRH – gonadotropin releasing hormone, is produced in the hypothalamus and controls the release of -> FSH and ->LH
GnRH analogs – hormones that suppress the release of ->LH and -> FHS and thus reduce oestrogen production. GnRh analogs are also usually administered during -> hormone stimulation for better control. ->FSH is then administered externally to stimulate increased egg production
Gonads – gonads
Gonadotropin hormones, such as à LH and -> FSH, which are released by the -> pituitary gland to stimulate the gonads
Gravidity – Pregnancy
Granuloma – Nodule-like tissue formation Hormone – Product of glands which – distributed throughout the body via blood and lymph – controls bodily functions (e.g. estrogens, progesterone)
Hormone receptor – receiver for hormone molecules in the body cell
Pituitary gland – Pituitary gland
Hypothalamus – central part of the brain, important for controlling hormone production
Climacteric – menopause
Colposcopy – magnifying examination (5-10x magnification) of the cervix and posterior vaginal vault

Laparoscopy – laparoscopy in the upper abdomen

Menarche – first spontaneous menstrual bleeding
Menopause – last spontaneous menstrual bleeding
Menstruation – term for “menstruation”, “period”, “rule”, “days”, “cycle”

Oestrogens – sex-specific hormones in women
Ovary – ovary

Pelviscopy – laparoscopy in the lower abdomen
Peritoneum – Peritoneum
Progesterone – sex-specific hormone in women

Tube – Fallopian tube

Uterus – Uterus