Endometriosis Academy



Special qualification in the field of endometriosis”,

Acquisition of a certificate awarded by the Scientific Endometriosis Foundation and the European Endometriosis League after an 8-hour seminar and written examination of the qualification.

These seminars have been held around four times a year since 2016 in collaboration with the European Endometriosis League and the respective local women’s clinics. In order to reach a larger group of interested parties more flexibly, we have been offering this seminar here as a webinar since 2020.

You can listen to the individual presentations by clicking on the titles. The CME questions will no longer be sent to you by the SEF secretariat, as the qualification courses are now run by the AGEM (see there)

If you answered 75% correctly, you received a certificate from the SEF and EEL confirming your special qualification in the field of endometriosis.

We hope you enjoy and succeed with this interesting training course – even without the certificate!

  1. Why certification and proof of quality
    (Prof. Dr. med. K.-W. Schweppe, Westerstede)
  2. Health economic and health policy relevance of endometriosis
    (Dr. PH Iris Brandes, Hanover)
  3. Pathogenesis and development of pain
    (Prof. Dr. med. S. Mechsner, Berlin)
  4. Diagnosis of endometriosis
    (Prof. Dr. med. S. D. Schäfer, Münster)
  1. Endometriosis-associated malignancies
    (Prof. Dr. med. K.-W. Schweppe, Westerstede)
  2. Surgical treatment options for endometriosis
    (Prof. Dr. med. I. Meinhold-Heerlein, Giessen)
  3. Drug therapy, relapse prophylaxis and long-term treatment
    (Prof. Dr. med. Th. Römer, Cologne)
  4. Relevance of endometriosis in the desire to have children
    (Priv. Doz. Dr. med. V. Ziller, Marburg )